Miloš Strugar is executive director of Conflux center, UN Senior Mediation Adviser, independent consultant, writer and columnist, and diplomat. Mr. Strugar is currently assisting UN Special Envoy, Mr. Geir O. Pedersen, on the ceasefire agreement in Syria, and is the head of the UN expert delegation at the Nur-Sultan (Astana) talks on the conflict in Syria. He has extensive experience in public communications in crisis contexts, and has been advising in this regard the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Onanga-Anyanga, and the UN peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic, MINUSCA. Mr. Strugar spent over twenty years as a high-ranking civilian officer with the United Nations Peace-Keeping Department in various missions in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. His field posts include South Africa, Rwanda, Tajikistan/Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine. Mr. Strugar has lectured at many academic and training institutions in Europe, Middle East and China.